The truth is that I would like to make a thousand changes in my career, I really like the race itself but there are details that make me hate her sometimes.
So far most of the subjects I liked, the only thing that would change at the moment is the amount of areas that can cover a branch, in which 6 or 7 different areas is too much, I feel that it would be better to have separate branches that contain the matter in a good way and not in parts.
In dentistry the academic load is super high, I have many friends who study health careers at the same university and none go through the stress that we raise every day, since having to have good grades to exempt you, because exams contain approximately 90 classes, to live against time in the preclinical branches until having to run in search of patients in clinic. The race lasts 6 years, I think it's enough, it's 5 years of formal studies and one more year of internship and thesis.
The infrastructure of the faculty, this is not perfect, but for the little ones that we are, it is quite cozy, I would love that there were more green spaces in which to be able to socialize but for that the faculty of chemistry is, so I do not complain haha
The technology of the faculty is not if it is of the first level but at least in preclinical and clinical is just and necessary to take good care of patients, I emphasize that it is fair, in dentistry nothing is left over.
The teaching methods depend a lot on each branch, I couldn't say that in general they are good or bad, there are branches in which the methodology is super good and there is nothing to say but there is another that is terrible, we are subjected all year to stress only for lack of organization of the course.
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2018
Personal Opinions
Tatoos Personally I have always been struck by tattoos, for me they are a form of expression very different from any other, the fact that it's definitive changes it's intention radically, I don't know what makes it much deeper. In the future I hope perform one on the ankle, I always thought it would be a bouquet of flowers, would be 4 flowers, each would represent a member of my family.
I think the "Mechoneo" many years ago stopped being what it was in the beginning, I remember that when my sister went to university her tuft was extreme, that day she arrived with all the clothes cut off, full of a thousand things in her hair and she had a foul smell When they me in, it was simple in spite of everything, a little egg, flour and tempera; I still don't discover the true meaning of the tuft, it is to raise money for a party, it fulfills the goal because that day many people gave money, after all I think most people put themselves in our place and gave us money and many support messages such as "Oh I also went through this when I was studying."
I currently believe that recycling is one of the simplest ways to help the planet, we all know the conditions in which we live, climate change, and everything related. But truly very few people take the time to separate their garbage into different types of waste, in my house we recycled at least 5 years ago. My mom has always been interested in the subject, in fact I started recycling milk boxes but now everyone in my house knows what can be recycled, paper, plastic, glass, everything is separated and taken to different containers
Barras bravas
I belive that the "Barra brava" are a form of community expression, a Barra brava is made up of many people who think the same thing, even though they have the stigma of destroying things, I think the fundation goes further.A barra brava is full f passion and feeling.
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018
Today I will talk about the pets I have had in my life.
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My first pet arrived to my house when I was 10 years old, it was a puppy and was called "Boris Panda", for a long time he was my companion of adventures. Until from one day to the next he got lost and he never came back home, with my family we suffered a lot his loss, he was almost like a brother, it’s a very sad story :(
Since then 5 years have passed and the pain is gone, I will always remember him as the most loving puppy in the world. A year ago a new dog came to my life, "Polita Cosa Bella", came suddenly and has stolen everyone's heart in my house. She is very loving and entertaining, she runs around from one side to the other throughout the house.
If I could summarize it in a word what both mean to me, it would be love.
In the picture we can see my beautiful puppie, this photo is my favorite because it’s the first photo when she arrived to my house. For a long time I asked my parents for a pet but they never accepted because we live in an apartment. Until one day, my mom’s the best friend gave us Polita as a gift and with her love and beauty we couldn't get away from her.
The photo was taken in my bed and I took in December of 2017, Polita is a really important part in my life, every day she accompanies me when I study, she puts in my legs and she hopes that we will love her. If I can describe my pet in little words these would be a little ball of love and happiness.
In the previous blog I spoke about my future job, about what I am studyng, dentistry and today I will talk about my postgraduate studies.
I will like to do a specialty in dentistry, in the previous blog I spoke a little about this. Well I like the maxillofacial surgery because it is a very interesting specialty, It has so much variety of clinical cases, many topics on the area of the neck and all the skull. I will like the subject of the surgery because I could help babies that are born with a patology like cleft lip, also I could help patients with problems in their occlusion, maxillofacial relation and the masticatory function.
I would like to study this specialty in the University of Chile, because it's the best hahah, really it is good in the area, but also I would like to continue learning in another country maybe a postgraduate, masters or a doctorate in psychology, The human brain. intrigues me so much
The specialty I would like to do full time, and about psychology the truth I don`t know if I would like distance learning, blended system, part time course, because this depends on my life in that moment.
These areas I like too because it relates to many areas of the health, It's a work altogether to help to patient ❤
I will like to do a specialty in dentistry, in the previous blog I spoke a little about this. Well I like the maxillofacial surgery because it is a very interesting specialty, It has so much variety of clinical cases, many topics on the area of the neck and all the skull. I will like the subject of the surgery because I could help babies that are born with a patology like cleft lip, also I could help patients with problems in their occlusion, maxillofacial relation and the masticatory function.
I would like to study this specialty in the University of Chile, because it's the best hahah, really it is good in the area, but also I would like to continue learning in another country maybe a postgraduate, masters or a doctorate in psychology, The human brain. intrigues me so much
The specialty I would like to do full time, and about psychology the truth I don`t know if I would like distance learning, blended system, part time course, because this depends on my life in that moment.
These areas I like too because it relates to many areas of the health, It's a work altogether to help to patient ❤
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018
My future job
When I was a little girl I used to dream about being an astronaut, it used to catch my atencion the fac to know different worlds but over the years, my tastes changed and I decided to study dentistry.
Currently and with what I'm studying I would like to work in the health ministry generating public policies, I imagine it as a challenge, it's to collect the problems that the population has and to be able to generate solutions to these, but at large scales.
It would be like a job that would mix the indoor with the outdoors, because in order to generate these policies, the information must be gathered, it's knowing that this happening in the lives of the patients.
I would love to travel to other countries that have a health system better than ours, inspire me with these and be able to implement some of their measures in our public health.
I couldn't say what I would like my salary to be but I'm content with what is necessary to be able to live quietly and be able to give myself one that another taste, maybe traveling, eating rich or just being able to have time for me.
I haven't decided what specialty to take but I know that this will be complemented with public health.
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018
Hannah Montana
Today I will talk about one of my favorite series from my childhood, Hannah Montana, it was released in March 2006 and was broadcast until January 2011.
This is the story of Miley Stewart, a teenager who keeps a great secret, is a teenage idol named Hannah Montana. During the course of the story is going to show how Miley is discovering fame and how fame is discovering her.
In the first chapter Lily (her best friend), discovers that her idol, is nothing more and nothing less than her best friend, at first Lily got upset because her best friend had failed her, she had kept her biggest secret . With the passing of time, she realized that Miley was just wanting to maintain her normal life, just as it was, to be able to go out without anyone asking her for autographs or nothing.

The principal actress corresponds a Miley Cyrus who plays Miley and Hannah, the interesting thing about this actress is that she interprets all the songs that are broadcast in the series, what gives the series a plus.
I saw this series when I was between 10 and 14 years old, I wasn't a fanatic but I enjoyed being able to get to school and see it and laugh with the simplicity of the story.
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018
Things I hate and like about university
If I had to make a summary of my time at
the University, I would say that it was made up of good and bad things but
above all good, starting with finding something that makes you feel good, it
isn’t that I adore dentistry but I feel
that in the future will give me the tools I need to achieve what I want, in the
negative I wouldn’t know what to say, I
haven’t had any negative experience personally but in general we have recently
passed through situations of harassment and a strike as a result of this.
There are things that I hate from the
university, the university cafeteria for example sells very bad food, it’s
expensive and in truth it isn’t any wonder, if we talk about dentistry, it is a
too stressful, thorough and full of expenses, the stress reaches the point to consume
your life and therefore you have to be careful so that the university system
doesn’t absorb you, but not everything is hated, there are also things that I
like, the main ones are my friends, with them I share most of the time and to
be sincere I think that without them I wouldn’t know how to carry everything
heavy that the university can be at some point, I also like to study in a
public university, I feel it is a plus that not all have, the power to share
with people of all the existing realities.
Among the solutions that would give to
improve the bad things, mainly is to distribute the academic load better, it’s
horrible the amount of evaluations that can exist during a week, so
distributing them would improve a little the conditions in which we live.
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018
The best concert I've had
Today I will talk about the best concert I've had, this was the one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, this was in september of 2011 in the Estadio Monumental.
This was my first concert in the life, but I will talk about of this not only because of that, but also because the memories that bring. I went with my cousins, at that time I was 14 years old and for me it was very surprising that my parents let me go to a concert without an adult.
RHCP they are a rock band from California, United States, they have been togheter for 34 years and to this day they continue to release songs, his last record was published in 2011.
During the concert the atmosphere was very nice, most of those who were there older than me, but that doesn't matter when singing and jumping with their songs.
It's difficult for me to describe how I felt, it's a feeling for total connection, where you only let yourself be carried away by the music and feel the vibration and mystique of many people who are feeling the same.
I also remember that the opening acts were Chancho en Piedra, at the time I didn't like them but going to the concert served to meet them.
viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

Basically I would like to travel because I find interesting the lifestyle of these countries, based on their customs and religion, always I think that what characterizes a country are its beliefs, most of the people who live there, are buddhist and I think that knowing a bit of their culture can lead me to see life from a very different point of view than I'm normally use to. Also I really like the landscape, everythings is green, i like the nature and how its makes with the city and the Temples than can it visited, this are characterized by their architecture. I would also like the visit its paradisiacal beaches, where the sea looks transparent.
I would travel there more than anything to know news cultures, learn about others lifestyles and fill me the peace and tranquility of the temples and beaches of these countries.

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